Framer for Agencies: A Game Changer for UI/UX Agencies

Framer for Agencies

As we all know, Framer is a powerful no-code design platform that’s transforming how agencies create digital products. This tool is known for its ease of use and advanced features. It lets designers build high-fidelity prototypes for websites, apps, and more without any coding knowledge. 

Nowadays, a lot of agencies are utilizing this tool for providing design services. Well, today, we’ll talk about how Framer is performing for the agency’s business growth.

Here. We’ll discuss being unbiased and focus on both Framer’s good and dark sides for agencies. As a bonus, we’ll add some of the best practices for agencies with this tool. So, don’t skip a part to learn everything about Framer for agencies.

Unique Selling Points of Framer for Agencies

You must have a proper idea of Framer for web design. Still, let’s kickstart with the unique selling points of this handy design tool. These facts certainly push lots of agencies to use this tool for their business.

Unique Selling Points of Framer for Agencies

Advanced Prototyping and Animation Features

Framer offers advanced prototyping and animation features. Designers can create realistic, interactive prototypes quickly. This approach helps in visualizing how the final product will look and feel.

Animations are easy to add in this tool as well. You can make buttons, menus, and other elements move and respond to user actions. So, this makes prototypes more engaging and lifelike.

JavaScript-Based Interactions

Framer supports JavaScript-based interactions. So, designers can add custom behaviors to their prototypes. Also, it can provide more complex and unique user experiences.

Using JavaScript, you can create specific actions and responses. So, it gives you greater control and flexibility in your designs. It’s perfect for projects needing tuned interactions.

AI-Powered Content Generation

Framer includes AI-powered content generation facilities. The AI can create placeholder text and images quickly. So, it really speeds up the design process and helps fill in gaps.

The AI can also suggest design improvements. It can help spark creativity and refine your designs. This feature makes it a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced designers.

Smooth Design-to-Development Workflow

Framer ensures a smooth design-to-development workflow. You can export designs into clean code easily. Thus it makes it simpler for developers to implement the designs.

This seamless transition reduces errors. Also, it saves time and ensures that the final product matches the prototype closely. So, designers and developers can work together more efficiently.

Extensive Component Library

Framer has an extensive component library. You can use pre-built design elements in your projects. It helps in creating consistent and professional-looking designs quickly.

All the available components are customizable. You can adjust them to fit your project’s needs. This enhanced flexibility saves time. Also, it helps the designer to get high design standards.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Framer works across multiple platforms. You can design for web, mobile, and desktop applications. So, it can ensure your designs are responsive and look great on any device.

Cross-platform compatibility is fundamental. It lets you reach a wider audience and meet diverse client needs. Undoubtedly, this feature makes Framer a versatile tool for modern designers.

Finally, Framer is vastly user-friendly. Also, its interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Even beginners can start designing quickly without feeling overwhelmed. So, all these facts attract agencies to give a try or stay with this tool.

Benefits of Using Framer for Design Agencies

The above unique selling points are not everything Framer is offering to agencies. Usually, UI/UX agencies get tons of benefits from using this tool. Let’s check them out quickly:

Improved Productivity

Framer can boost productivity for agencies. It offers a huge collection of pre-built components and templates. These save time by letting designers quickly assemble prototypes. Also, the drag-and-drop interface makes the design process more efficient.

Framer also includes powerful animation and interaction tools. So, designers can create interactive prototypes without writing code. This facility helps bring ideas to life quickly. Also, it greatly reduces the time spent on each project. So, agencies can take on more clients and deliver projects faster.

Team Collaboration

Framer supports real-time collaboration. So, multiple team members can work on the same project at once. It reduces the back-and-forth typically required in design processes. Also, it ensures everyone is on the same page. Thus it can really improve the overall workflow.

Designers, developers, and project managers can all contribute simultaneously. This integrated approach leads to better, more cohesive designs. Moreover, it helps catch errors early, as more eyes are on the project from the start. 

Client Collaboration for Feedback

Clients can easily provide feedback using Framer. They can view and interact with prototypes as if they were real products. Thus, this makes it easier for them to understand the design and offer meaningful input.

So, client feedback can be incorporated quickly. They can see their suggestions in action almost immediately. This iterative process leads to better final products. Also, it builds trust between the agency and its clients.

Increased Client Satisfaction

Framer can help agencies deliver high-quality designs. The interactive prototypes give clients a clear vision of the end product. Also, it reduces misunderstandings. So, it can ensure client expectations are met.

Most of the clients appreciate the attention to detail and the ability to experience the design early. Also, it leads to increased satisfaction and a higher likelihood of repeat business. Happy clients often recommend the agency to others. Finally, it naturally expands the agency’s client base.

Design Asset Management

Framer offers numerous design asset management tools. So, agencies can store all their design assets in one place. This organized approach makes it easy to reuse components. So, designers can maintain consistency across projects.

Having a centralized repository speeds up the design process. Designers spend less time searching for assets. Also, they can dedicate more time to developing. This kind of efficiency helps agencies handle more projects without compromising on quality.

Integration with Other Tools

Framer integrates with many other popular tools. So, agencies can connect it with tools like Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD. This flexibility lets the teams use their preferred design tools. Also, they can get the benefits from Framer’s powerful features simultaneously. 

Integration with project management tools like Jira and Trello streamlines workflows. Teams can manage tasks and track progress without leaving Framer. This holistic approach improves project management and delivery times.

No-Code Capabilities

Framer’s no-code capabilities empower designers greatly. They can create animated prototypes without writing code. So, it can open up possibilities for designers who may not have coding skills.

No-code tools also speed up the prototyping process. So, agencies can quickly turn ideas into interactive experiences. It allows rapid testing and iteration. Thus, it leads to better final products.

Framer Templates for Agencies

Framer Templates for Agencies

In Framer, agencies will find tons of pre-made templates to use. Also, there are lots of types to choose from. Many companies are utilizing these features to provide service. Usually, Framer offers lots of options for:

  • Blog templates
  • SaaS & Startup templates
  • Creative Agency templates
  • Personal Portfolio templates
  • AI templates
  • Free responsive templates

Competitive Advantage

Framer can give agencies a competitive edge. Its advanced features and ease of use help deliver superior designs. Also, the clients can recognize the quality and innovation. It can really make the agency stand out.

Moreover, the agencies can attract more clients by showcasing their Framer prototypes. The ability to produce interactive prototypes quickly sets them apart from the competitors. Also, it brings more business opportunities and growth.

So, Framer improves productivity and enhances client satisfaction for a positive outcome. Its compatibility with other tools, and competitive edge make it a valuable tool for agencies.

Challenges Design Agencies Face with Framer

Even though there are tons of benefits UI/UX design agencies can get from Framer, it’s not free from all the bad. Here are some challenges agencies often face with Framer:

Performance Issues with Big Projects

Performance Issues with Big Projects

Framers can struggle with large, complex projects. As designs grow in size and complexity, the tool can slow down. This affects the speed at which designers can work.

Slow performance can be frustrating in this case. It can also delay project timelines. Agencies need to manage project sizes to keep Framer running smoothly.

Keeping Up with New Technology

Framer updates often to stay current. Agencies must keep up with these changes. Staying updated takes time and effort and teams need to learn new features and adapt workflows. This can be a challenge, especially during busy periods.

Adapting to Clients’ Changing Needs

Clients often change their minds. They might request new features or changes midway through a project. Adapting to these changes can be tough as well. Framer’s flexibility helps, but constant changes can slow progress. Agencies need to balance client requests with project timelines to keep things on track.

Closed Platform for Add-ons

Framer operates as a closed platform. All add-ons and templates go through the company’s filter. This limits the availability of third-party extensions. While this ensures quality, it restricts creativity. Agencies might find fewer customization options compared to open platforms.

Limited Usefulness of Components

Components in Framer may have limited usefulness. Developers often face constraints when adhering to company coding guidelines. This can result in wasted time.

Components might not always fit seamlessly into the final product. This creates extra work for developers. Agencies need to carefully plan and test components to avoid issues.

Framer has challenges like performance issues with big projects, keeping up with new technology, adapting to clients’ changing needs, being Mac-only, operating as a closed platform, and limited usefulness of components. Agencies need to manage these challenges to make the most of Framer’s powerful features.

Best Practice with Framers: Agencies Should Follow

Now, let’s check out some of the best practices you should follow in an agency. These ideas will help you overcome the mentioned challenges and at the same time, 

Familiarize Yourself with Framer’s Features

Framer’s Features

You should thoroughly explore Framer’s features as much as it is possible for you. I’ve already mentioned that Framer provides interactive design functions, advanced prototyping options, and responsive design options. 

You should invest time in understanding how each feature can benefit your projects. This knowledge will help you create more sophisticated and interactive designs to make your projects stand out.

Utilize the Collaboration Feature to Get Feedback

Framer’s collaboration feature is a game-changer for agencies. It lets team members work on the same project simultaneously. They can share ideas and provide real-time feedback. 

So, you should utilize this feature for sure. You can invite team members and clients and ask them to review and comment on designs. As you fix the issues they notice, it will speed up the approval process and ensure that all stakeholders are satisfied with the progress.

Stay Updated with Framer’s New Additions

The developers always keep this tool updated and add new features and facilities. Make sure that you have learned about all the new changes as soon as they make it and publish it. For that, subscribe to Framer’s newsletter, follow their blog, and participate in their webinars. 

This way, you can easily keep your designs fresh and innovative. At the same time, you will learn the newest thing earlier than your competitors.

Prioritize Clients’ and Team Members’ Feedback

It’s important to learn how people are seeing your work. As Framer offers this collaboration feature, you not just use it, but also fix the issues people find. You may not see what’s wrong in a project but your client can see. Fix them and learn from their mistakes.

However, Framer’s built-in feedback tools make it easy to gather and implement suggestions from clients and team members. You should prioritize this feedback to ensure that the final product meets everyone’s expectations.

Prioritize User Testing

Framer lets you conduct user testing directly within the platform. Use this feature to gather insights on user behavior and preferences. It’ll inform your design decisions and improve the overall user experience.

Integrate Framer with Other Tools

Integrate Framer with Other Tools

Framer seamlessly integrates with other tools like Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, etc. This flexibility lets you import designs easily and continue working on them in Framer. 

You should utilize these integrations to streamline your workflow. Also, make sure that you can take advantage of Framer’s powerful features without starting from scratch.


Is Framer suitable for large projects?

Certainly, Framer works well on projects of different sizes. However, some users find it difficult with large, complex projects, potentially slowing down performance. Agencies need to manage project sizes to keep Framer running smoothly and maintain productivity.

What platforms does Framer integrate with?

Framer integrates with the most popular design tools like Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, etc. It also connects with project management tools like Jira and Trello to streamline workflows and improve project management.

How can agencies benefit from Framer’s design asset management?

Framer offers tools to store all design assets in one place. As a result, it becomes easier to reuse components and maintain consistency across projects. This organized approach speeds up the design process and ensures high-quality outputs.

Wrap Up

For sure, Framer is a premier no-code design platform for agencies with numerous advantages in productivity, collaboration, and client satisfaction. Its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, extensive library of pre-built components, and powerful no-code capabilities streamline the design process.

Even though there are some challenges like performance issues with large projects and Mac-only limitations, Framer provides significant benefits for agencies. Utilizing Framer, agencies can improve their workflow, meet client expectations effectively, and ultimately drive business growth.

Atiqur Rahaman
CEO & Co Founder @ Design Monks
With 8+ years in design, he's crafted 40+ innovative products across 20 industries for esteemed clients like Oter, Transcom, and SwissLife. His passion drives substantial revenue growth and continuous learning in design, engaging 10K+ designers on platforms from YouTube to Instagram.