10 Roles of UX in Product Management: Learn Why It’s a Must

10 Roles of UX in Product Management: Learn Why It’s a Must

Product management is tough, undoubtedly. Product managers need to maintain timelines, stakeholder expectations, and market demands. Despite their best efforts, projects can still miss the mark. Why? Neglecting the UX in product management. 

When UX isn’t prioritized, products fail to meet user needs. As a result, the product receives user frustration and low adoption rates. UX isn’t just a design hype word; it’s a demand and necessity in product management. 

A product can never meet user needs and business goals without a proper UX. However, if you are somehow engaged in product management, you need to have a clear idea of the role of User experience in Product management. Let’s learn what’s needed.

What Is Product Management?

Product management is the process of strategic function. It usually guides a product from conception to launch and beyond. So, it is all about planning, developing, and overseeing a product’s lifecycle. Also, it covers from the beginning to the end. 

Usually, product managers identify customer needs and market opportunities. They are determined to create a product vision that aligns with business goals. Also, they work with designers to craft user-friendly interfaces. They coordinate with developers to confirm the product is built correctly. 

What Is Product Management

So, project management is a multidisciplinary practice. It applies principles, techniques, and tools to manage projects effectively across various industries. This process goes through some steps, and they are in the next section.

  • Initiating: It’s about defining the project, setting objectives, and securing approvals for it.
  • Planning: It covers developing a detailed project plan. It focuses on the project’s timelines, budgets, and resource allocation.
  • Executing: This step simply implements the project plan. Also, it coordinates team activities and manages resources.
  • Monitoring and Controlling: In this step, they track progress, and manage changes. Thus it confirms the project stays on schedule and within budget.
  • Closing: It is the ending part where the manager finalizes all project activities. Then they deliver the completed project and evaluate its success.

As we see, product management is not just about developing the product. It’s all about designing and developing the product according to the user experience principles for business and with technical aspects.

How User Experience is Linked to Product Management

User Experience (UX) is intricately linked to product management. Generally, it ensures that the product meets user needs and expectations. Product managers usually prioritize UX to create intuitive, engaging, and satisfying products. Thus, it results in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

How User Experience is Linked to Product Management

UX ensures enhanced usability using continuous navigation and accessibility. Thus, it reduces user frustration with the product and encourages repeat usage and positive word-of-mouth. Effective UX design also improves user engagement of a product. It provides valuable insights into user behavior for continuous improvement. 

Besides, UX research helps product managers develop products that fit the market better. This approach also identifies real user problems to differentiate the product from competitors. 

UX feedback ensures a data-driven decision-making approach that reduces the risk of product failures. Also, it ensures ongoing enhancement without obstructions. So, UX and product management are interconnected and UX helps ensure product success with broader business goals.

Role of User Experience in Product Management

You must get a hint of how UX is linked to product management. Still, you need to check out the role of UX in product management. It will give you a crystal clear idea of why product managers need to learn UX and also, why UX is necessary for product management.

1. UX Helps in User-Centered Product Development

User Experience (UX) is at the core part of product management. No matter what type of digital product it is, you must ensure a proper user experience. Generally, UX ensures that products work properly for all user types and they don’t cause usability issues. 

Product managers also need to prioritize UX to make the product intuitive, engaging, and accessible to all users. This user-centered approach results in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. In that sense, UX is essential for the product’s success. 

2. UX Enhances Products’ Usability

There is no way, product managers ignore usability. It’s the heart of UX. Generally, good usability means that the particular product is easy to use and has an intuitive interface. Thus, it reduces user frustration while increasing retention. 

Usability in UX

Product managers need to collaborate with UX designers to improve usuality. They aim to simplify navigation, improve accessibility, and ensure that interactions are smooth and efficient. Finally, when they manage to ensure enhanced usability, it helps them get a more pleasant user experience.

3. User Experience Increases Engagement

A properly designed user experience can effectively improve user engagement. When users find a product nice and comfortable to use, they are more likely to spend time with it. They will start exploring its features and take the next moves like purchasing or subscribing. 

This increased engagement simply enhances customer satisfaction. This approach also provides valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. Product managers can utilize this data to continuously improve the product and customize it accordingly.

4. User Research Ensures Better Market Fit

User research is the initial step of UX. It significantly helps product managers develop a product that fits the market better. It’s because the research process helps them understand and identify the actual problems. They also find it easy to understand exactly what the target audience expects. 

A product that aligns with user expectations and solves real problems is more likely to succeed in the market. So, it’s essential to focus on UX for every product manager so that they can differentiate their product from competitors.

5. UX Process Helps in Decision-Making

UX provides essential data and insights that help in product management decisions. Through user testing, surveys, and feedback, product managers can identify pain points and areas for improvement. 

This data-driven approach allows for informed decision-making. It also reduces the risk of product failures and ensures continuous enhancement. When product managers make decisions based on real user feedback, it becomes easier to create effective and user-friendly products.

6. User Experience Reduces Development Costs

Investing in UX early in the product development process is quite beneficial. It can result in significant cost savings. Identifying usability issues and user pain points before the product is fully developed can prevent costly redesigns and modifications later. 

Certainly, product managers need to incorporate UX research for testing into the development cycle, especially to ensure that the final product meets user expectations. Thus, they can be able to reduce the likelihood of post-launch problems and support costs.

User Experience Reduces Development Costs

7. UX Improves Customer Loyalty

A positive user experience can impactfully ensure customer loyalty. When users have a comfortable experience with a product, the potential will grow in them to return and recommend it to others. 

Product managers who prioritize UX can build strong relationships with their customers. As a result, the product will achieve higher retention rates and increased lifetime value. Loyal customers are also more forgiving of occasional issues and more likely to provide constructive feedback for continuous improvement.

8. User Experience Ensures Competitive Advantage

A perfect user experience can be a major differentiator to set your product apart from others. Products with a seamless, intuitive, and comfortable user experience must stay above the competition. 

That’s why product managers must prioritize UX so that they can create products that can ultimately exceed user expectations. This competitive advantage can effectively result in increased market share, higher customer satisfaction, and stronger brand loyalty, at the same time.

9. UX Make Sure The Product Is Continuously Improving

UX never ends in the first effort. Indeed, it’s an ongoing process of improvement. Product managers need to continuously gather user feedback, conduct UX tests, and analyze user behavior in this process. Otherwise, they can’t identify areas for enhancement. 

So, UX is like a commitment to continuous improvement. This approach simply ensures that the product keeps developing according to user needs and preferences. Thus, UX helps products stay relevant and competitive in the market.

10. UX Makes Product Development Running on the Right Track

Effective UX needs to be ensured with the broader business goals of the organization. Designers and product managers usually create products that users love. Here, product managers have to drive key business metrics such as user acquisition, retention, and revenue growth. 

UX helps Product Development Running on the Right Track

A strong focus on UX can also enhance the company’s reputation and brand image. It also helps to attract more customers and create new growth opportunities. Thus, UX helps keep the entire project of product development running on the right track.

These are not all. For a product, UX is a must for many other reasons. Managers who neglect UX in products can barely make it successful. This habit, indeed, is a threat to their career. So, prioritize UX as much as you prioritize the product’s success.


How does UX work with the product?

UX usually works with products closely. It understands user needs and designs intuitive interfaces to enhance the overall user experience. This collaboration ensures the product is user-friendly and meets both functional and emotional needs. Ultimately, UX in product management ensures user satisfaction and retention.

Should product managers know UX?

Yes, product managers should understand UX principles properly. It’s because they need to ensure they can effectively collaborate with UX designers. This knowledge helps in creating user-centered products and also understanding the design talks properly. 

How to pivot from UX to PM?

To pivot from UX to product management, you need to develop skills in different sections like market research, project management, and business strategy. Also, you should gain experience in cross-functional collaboration, and understand product lifecycle management.

Is UX part of the product team?

Yes, UX is a part of the product team. UX designers need to collaborate with product managers, developers, and other stakeholders to create user-centered designs. They all work together in the product team to make a successful product.

End Note

As we see, the role of User Experience in product management is multifaceted. It’s essential for the success of any product. Product managers need to focus on user-centered development to enhance usability, increase engagement, and achieve better market fit.

Proper UX in product management also ensures making informed decisions, reducing development costs, improving customer loyalty, and gaining a competitive advantage. Without all these facts, a product can never succeed. That’s why it won’t be wrong if we say that User experience is the heart of product management.

Atiqur Rahaman
CEO & Co Founder @ Design Monks
With 8+ years in design, he's crafted 40+ innovative products across 20 industries for esteemed clients like Oter, Transcom, and SwissLife. His passion drives substantial revenue growth and continuous learning in design, engaging 10K+ designers on platforms from YouTube to Instagram.