ChatGPT in UX Design: Learn The Scope, Usages, & Challenges

ChatGPT for UX Design

How about a tool that can instantly generate creative ideas, improve your design process, and even help you understand user behavior? That’s exactly what ChatGPT in UX design. ChatGPT has a lot of scope in UX but you need to know how to use it properly. You can use it in many ways, like:

  • Brainstorm UX Ideas
  • Generate User Personas
  • Draft User Journey Maps
  • Suggest UI Layouts
  • Create Microcopy for Interfaces
  • Analyze User Feedback

However, as exciting as these opportunities are, there are challenges too. That’s why, you should understand the limitations of AI before you use it for bigger tasks.

Curious to know more? Then, keep reading the full blog and learn how you can utilize this great AI tool to increase your creativity and productivity.

How Helpful ChatGPT in UX Design?

ChatGPT is changing how we approach UX design. This smart AI tool is like a helpful assistant for designers. It makes their work easier and faster. Let’s check out how ChatGPT can improve the UX design process. We will explain each point in a way that’s easy for newcomers to crack.

Making User Research Easier 

User research is all about discerning what people want and need. ChatGPT acts like a super-fast reader. It can go through tons of user comments, reviews, and survey answers quickly. 

Making User Research Easier

Then, it gives designers a simple summary of what users like. Also, it can report what bothers them, and what they’re looking for. It is huge because designers don’t have to spend days reading through all this information themselves. 

So, designers can get the important stuff right away with ChatGPT. It helps them start designing with users in mind from the beginning. 

Creating User Personas 

User personas are imaginary people who represent typical users. They can help designers remember who they are designing for. 

ChatGPT can create these personas based on research data. It might say, “This persona is Sarah, a 35-year-old teacher. She uses her smartphone a lot but gets frustrated with complicated apps.” 

User Persona By ChatGPT

These detailed personas help designers make choices that real users will appreciate. One instance could be making sure buttons are easy to tap for someone who’s always on the go.

Coming up with New Ideas 

Designers might hit a creative wall sometimes. That’s where ChatGPT comes in handy. It is like a close brainstorming buddy that never runs out of new ideas. 

If you are designing a fitness app, you could ask ChatGPT for ideas on new features. It might suggest things like a water intake tracker or a social challenge feature. These ideas can spark the designer’s own creativity. So, it can really help the designers to get innovative designs that stand out.

Helping with Writing 

UX design isn’t just about how things look, the words matter too. ChatGPT is a word wizard. It can help write clear text for buttons, menus, and even error messages. 

For example, instead of a boring “404 Error” message, ChatGPT might suggest something like, “Oops! We can’t find that page. How about trying these instead?” This kind of writing makes apps and websites feel more welcoming.

Helping with Writing

Gathering User Feedback 

Designers can avoid big mistakes if they get feedback early. ChatGPT can create questions for user surveys that are clear. After people respond, ChatGPT can quickly sort through the answers. Also, it can point out what’s important. 

It means designers can find out fast if people are confused by a new feature or really love a certain part of the design. They can make improvements right away. Also, it will save them from spending too much time going in the wrong direction.

Creating Design Documents 

Design documents are like instruction manuals for the design. They keep everyone on the same page. ChatGPT can help write these documents in an organized way. 

It can create a style guide that explains things like which colors to use. Also, it can suggest what fonts to choose, and how buttons should look. It helps make sure that someone is working on the homepage or a settings menu. 

Improving Team Communication 

Designers often work with people who aren’t designers, like programmers and business managers. Sometimes, it’s hard to explain design ideas to these team members. 

ChatGPT acts like a translator. It can take complex design concepts and explain them in simple terms. This approach helps everyone understand each other better. So, it can ensure fewer misunderstandings and a smooth design process.

Researching Competitors 

Designers need to know what other similar products are out there. It is very important to make unique projects. ChatGPT can help by researching competitor websites or apps. It can explain what these competitors do well and where they fall short. 

Researching Competitors

This kind of information is gold for designers. It helps them learn from others’ successes and avoid their mistakes. For example, if ChatGPT points out that users love a competitor’s easy-to-use search feature, the designer can focus on their own search facility more.

UX designers can work faster with ChatGPT. It handles time-consuming tasks and it frees up designers to be more creative. ChatGPT can help the designer and the team at every step.

Keep in mind that ChatGPT doesn’t replace human designers. It’s just a powerful AI tool that makes their job easier. With ChatGPT’s help, designers can focus on what they do best. And it is none other than creating amazing designs that people love to use.

How to Create Prompts for ChatGPT in UX Design?

As you’ve learned, there are different ways you can use ChatGPT in UX design. Still, the outcome may not always be so good and it quite depends on how well you utilize this UX design tool. However, to get the best results, it’s important to know how to give effective prompts. 

You need to make ChatGPT understand your needs to respond properly. For that, you must give it a well-structured prompt. So, you need to learn how to give clear, simple prompts to ChatGPT in UX design tasks.

Here are all the tricks with examples:

1. Be Clear About the Context

When asking ChatGPT for help not just with UX design but with anything, always try to explain the context properly. A clear concept helps the AI understand what kind of product or experience you are designing. 

Make sure to mention if it is a mobile app UX design, a website, or a desktop platform. Also, mention what kind of users you are designing for. The clearer your context, the more useful the response will be.


“I am designing a mobile app for senior citizens to manage their daily medication. How can I make the interface easy to use for this age group?”

Clear Prompt

In this example, the prompt includes the type of app (mobile app) and the audience (senior citizens). ChatGPT will then personalize its suggestions to suit the needs of elderly users which means it will focus on simplicity and ease of use.

2. Specify Your Target Audience

Be elaborated while explaining who your users are. ChatGPT can generate more relevant ideas if you provide details about your audience. Try to explain your target audience as much as possible so that the tool can focus on the specific area.


“I’m creating an educational app for teenagers. Can you suggest some features that would keep them engaged?”

This prompt tells ChatGPT who the users are, which will help it suggest features like gamification or social sharing that appeal to a younger audience.

3. Be Direct About the Task

Clearly state what you need help with. Otherwise, ChatGPT can’t focus on what you are actually looking for. Whether it’s designing a wireframe, writing content for buttons, or brainstorming new features, giving ChatGPT a specific task to get more focused responses.


“I need help brainstorming new features for a language-learning app. What could make the learning process more interactive?”

Be Direct About the Task

This direct prompt encourages ChatGPT to come up with specific feature ideas, like chatbots for practicing conversations or interactive quizzes.

4. Ask Open-Ended Questions

When you want creative ideas, it’s always a good idea to ask open-ended questions. Instead of asking for a yes/no answer or a single solution, ask the tool to give multiple suggestions. This approach can help you get more creative and diverse responses.


“What are some ways I can improve the user onboarding experience for a fitness tracking app?”

This is an open-ended question. Here, you allow ChatGPT to provide different suggestions like interactive tutorials, personalized goal-setting, or in-app messages guiding users through the setup process.

5. Request Wireframe or Layout Suggestions

UX designers often need ideas on how to organize content or design layouts. You can ask ChatGPT for suggestions on how to structure pages or interfaces for specific purposes. This idea can be especially helpful when you’re stuck on where to place certain User Interface elements on a screen.


“Can you suggest a wireframe layout for a finance app’s dashboard that helps users easily track their expenses?”

In response, ChatGPT can suggest where to place key elements like graphs, recent transactions, and category filters to improve usability and visual balance.

6. Ask for Content Ideas

UX design isn’t just about layout and functionality, content plays a bigger role here. ChatGPT can help generate text for buttons, headers, or other interface elements. This tool helps you ensure the language used in the design is clear and user-friendly.


“I’m designing a food delivery app. Can you suggest some catchy phrases for the call-to-action buttons?”

Ask for Content Ideas

In response, ChatGPT might suggest phrases like “Order Now,” “Get Your Food Fast,” or “Start Your Order.” Thus, it will make sure they align with your brand tone.

7. Use It for Research Assistance

When you’re working on a design project, you may need to study competitors or gather user feedback. ChatGPT can help in this case as well. It can quickly summarize competitors’ strengths or draft survey questions for user research. This approach can save you a lot of time and ensures you focus on creative tasks.


“I am developing a new online grocery app. Can you summarize what features the top three competitors are offering?”

ChatGPT can quickly gather and present necessary features from similar apps. This way, it will help you identify gaps in the market or areas where your app could stand out.

8. Ask for Usability Testing Scripts

As a UX designer, you must know that before launching a product, usability testing is important. It helps you ensure your design is user-friendly. However, you can ask ChatGPT to generate testing scripts or questions that help gather useful feedback from real users.


“I need a script for usability testing of a fitness app. Focus on ease of navigation and goal-setting features.”

ChatGPT will provide a list of questions or tasks that test users’ ability to navigate the app or set goals. This tool will make sure the feedback you receive is detailed and helpful.

Prompting ChatGPT for UX design work is all about being clear, direct, and open-ended. Make sure to specify the context, audience, and tasks, and ask for ideas or feedback in a structured way. Thus, you can unlock ChatGPT’s potential to assist in every part of the UX design process.

Things to Be Careful of While Using ChatGPT for UX Design

Now, you might get excited thinking this tool can help you with your UX design work, right? Well, you’re not wrong – ChatGPT can be pretty awesome. But hold your horses there! There are some things you should watch out for. You must be careful of these factors while using ChatGPT for UX design. 

Limitations of ChatGPT in UX

1. ChatGPT Isn’t Exactly a Feelings Expert

You should never forget that ChatGPT is a technology, not a human. Suppose, you’re designing an app to help people chill out when they’re stressed. ChatGPT might suggest adding a “calming sounds” feature. Sounds good, right? But here’s the thing – ChatGPT has never felt stressed in its life! 

It’s like asking a robot how to make the perfect cup of tea. It might know the steps, but it’s never tasted tea before. So, even though ChatGPT can give you ideas, it won’t truly get why a stressed-out person might need a big and friendly “RELAX” button instead.

2. It Sometimes Misses the Big Picture

ChatGPT can’t always figure out the scenario. It’s like explaining your grandma’s birthday party to a friend who’s never met her. They might suggest bringing loud party poppers, not knowing your grandma hates sudden noises. 

ChatGPT is kind of like that friend. It might give you design ideas that sound great in theory but miss important details about your specific users. So, if you’re designing for kids, seniors, or any specific group, make sure to give ChatGPT all the details. Even after that, you need to personalize the facts and not rely on the answer of ChatGPT completely.

3. Fact-Check Is A Must

Here’s a fun fact, ChatGPT once told me that elephants love to eat spaghetti. I’m sure that’s not true. The point is, that ChatGPT can sometimes mix up facts or give outdated info. 

So, when it suggests a “cutting-edge” design trend, make sure it’s not actually something from 2010 that everyone’s sick of seeing. Always double-check its advice before you run with it.

4. ChatGPT Is Not A Good Creator

ChatGPT is pretty much like that friend who’s really good at remixing songs but can’t compose original music. It can combine existing ideas in clever ways but can never come up with the next big revolutionary design concept. 

ChatGPT Can not Replace Human Creativity

If you want your app or website to be unique and creative, you’ll need to utilize your creativity. However, ChatGPT can help only if you use it as a subordinator.

5. It’s Your Sidekick, Not Your Replacement

For sure, ChatGPT can be the Robin to your Batman, not as Batman himself. It can only help you brainstorm, organize ideas, or write some content. But when it comes to making the big decisions about how your design should work and feel, that’s all up to you. 

Many people already believe that ChatGPT and other AI tools can create human creativity. This is completely wrong and many others have already proven it. ChatGPT is here to assist, not to take over your job. So, never believe this tool blindly and instead, think in an unbiased way with its help.

6. ChatGPT Isn’t Completely Unbiased

We all have our biases, and believe it or not, ChatGPT does too. It learned from the internet, and well, we know the internet isn’t always the most balanced place. 

That’s the reason, it sometimes suggests designs or ideas that work great for some people but not for others. So, never forget to check the facts and understand your users. Make sure that the final decision that you make with the help of ChatGPT works for everyone, not just a select few.

7. It Can’t Completely Understand Your Users

Testing your design with real people is undoubtedly super important. It’s like taste-testing a new recipe. ChatGPT can help you write the recipe, but it can’t tell you if it actually tastes good. 

You need real humans for that. So while ChatGPT can help you come up with test questions, remember that only actual users can tell you if your design is a hit or a miss.

8. Keep the Secret Stuff Secret

Last but not least, remember that ChatGPT is like a chatty friend – it’s not great with secrets. If you’re working with any private user info or top-secret design plans, keep those to yourself. 

ChatGPT doesn’t need to know everything, and it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to sensitive information. Remember that ChatGPT often keeps a record of your information and it can use them to answer others.

So, these are the common facts you should remember while using this tool in UX design. Remember to use it wisely, mix in your own creativity, and always keep your users in mind.


Can ChatGPT design wireframes?

ChatGPT can help you in designing wireframes with ideas and suggestions based on user input. However, it cannot create visual wireframes directly. Still, it can generate detailed descriptions and prompts that guide you in creating effective layouts and structures for websites or applications.

Can ChatGPT read Figma files?

ChatGPT can actually read Figma files directly. However, it can help you understand Figma concepts with design suggestions and generate prompts for creating designs in Figma. Some plugins can help you convert Figma files into codes that ChatGPT can read. 

Can ChatGPT create mockups?

Yes, ChatGPT can help create mockups. It can generate concepts and layouts based on user specifications. Besides, this tool can provide detailed prompts to create visually appealing mockups personalized to specific needs. However, it can’t produce visual outputs itself.

End Call

As you have seen, ChatGPT can be a very useful tool for UX design. How well it will work quite depends on how perfectly you can utilize it. Never forget that, ChatGPT is an AI tool, not a human. So, never expect too much from it and share your secrets with it.

Instead, use this tool as a helping hand to enhance your creativity and productivity. So, ChatGPT in UX design can be a blessing only if you know how to use it in the right way.

Atiqur Rahaman
CEO & Co Founder @ Design Monks
With 8+ years in design, he's crafted 40+ innovative products across 20 industries for esteemed clients like Oter, Transcom, and SwissLife. His passion drives substantial revenue growth and continuous learning in design, engaging 10K+ designers on platforms from YouTube to Instagram.